This site is the culmination of all my realizations and education over the past year (as of september 2023). It will be a living document, forever growing with me. My name is Justin Bredbenner. I am a man of many hats. But here and now, today, these are the ones that matter the most: I am a father, a husband, and an advocate for true freedom of information and choice for all people, as well as a spiritual seeker and initiate. On my path of discovery, I’ve learned precious bits of information about myself and unity that wield the power to break down barriers between one and another, or between the self and it’s true desires for experience.
Be Present
Do not get lost in the past or future. Everything we need can be found right here.
It’s OK to Feel
When we come into ourselves, accept and acknowledge our traumas, only then can we come into wholeness.